We are an open group of activist-researchers based in (but not limited to) London, inspired by and in solidarity with Occupy London and the global Occupy movement. We are open to anyone so please get in touch and become part of our network.
To stay up to date with announcements, please subscribe to our blog using the widget in the right side bar. To get more involved in organising and discussion, you can join our mailing list, here: http://groups.google.com/group/reading-occupy
You can also contact us by email here: occupyresearchcollective [at] [don’t email if you’re a spammer] fastmail [dot] co [dot] uk
Our general aims include: to foster a network of activist-researchers within and around the Occupy movement; to bring together disparate modalities of research and researcher, from students and academics, to social and community researchers working outside the academy, to unofficial researchers – anyone interested in thinking and doing research for the sake of activism, social change, education, etc; to experiment with alternative, collective ways of doing, disseminating and collaborating on research and publishing; to help counter the increasing neoliberalisation of education and the research environment; to support each other as radical researchers.
We have previously held reading groups on issues relevant to Occupy, but we now hope to weave the reading group model into a practical framework of active research, by hosting events, writing collectively for existing publications, publishing our own journal, etc.